Weekly Zoom Meeting - Thursdays 7 pm-7.45 pm:

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/76059683486?pwd=T1cyamlxQzJVY3M4YzhYbXNqMzRPdz09

Meeting ID: 760 5968 3486

Passcode: XzU8Bp

Exploring topics:

  1. How memory influences our thinking
  2. Why comparison keeps us stuck
  3. Fight, flight, freeze, fawn - Which are you in? 
  4. How the brain hemispheres affect thought processing
  5. Identifying repetitive negative mind loops
  6. 4 Characteristics of mind looping
  7. Clarification - Why it's valuable & how to ask for it
  8. Mind Symmetry Technique - exercise
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